BitGive Adds 9 Industry Leaders as Founding Donors!
BitGive is pleased to have nine industry leaders join as our final Founding Donors as we wind down this campaign. With these generous contributions and those before them, we have raised over $120K since mid 2013, which has supported BitGive's mission and projects over...
Partner with Us to Close Out 2015!
Share in Our Accomplishments and Our Goals! Help us Close Out 2015 with a Bang! Be a changemaker & help us launch into 2016 with strength as we build a Charity 2.0 Platform & seek to continue to leverage Bitcoin for good. Help us meet our goal of...
BitGive To Take a Lead at the Latin American Bitcoin Conference
BitGive Continues to Expand Efforts Internationally This weekend, BitGive Founder and Executive Director, Connie Gallippi, heads to Mexico City for the third annual Latin American Bitcoin Conference (#laBITconf). Connie will share a review of BitGive’s role in...
#GivingTuesday: Support BitGive’s Transparency Project
#GivingTuesday is around the corner! This year, BitGive is putting donations towards our Bitcoin Charity 2.0 Initiative’s inaugural project: a Donation Transparency Platform for donors and NGOs using blockchain technology! You have an opportunity to support ground...
Save Money & Donate While Shopping on Amazon!
Gem Sponsors our Purse Smile Program Save money using Purse and donate to charity the next time you shop on Amazon. Simply click a checkbox when you checkout! Purse offers a way to save money while shopping on Amazon when you pay in bitcoin! And thanks to Gem,...
Book with CheapAir thru Oct. 24th and Support BitGive!
Have Conference and Holiday Plans? There are many conferences coming up, including DevCore San Francisco, Money 2020, Inside Bitcoins San Diego, the 3rd Annual Latin American Bitcoin Conference, and more! Plan to travel for the holidays? Thanksgiving and the Holiday...