BitGive is changing, just like we all have in the last year and a half. From the beginning, our goal has been to leverage blockchain and bitcoin technology to have the greatest impact on people’s lives. In the coming months, we will be evaluating how we can best utilize our resources to further this goal going forward.
While we work on our next steps, we’re pausing on taking on new projects and campaigns. But, in the meantime, you can still make an impact by donating to our live project on GiveTrack with SEED Madagascar.
This amazing campaign will provide the Sekoly School in Madagascar with tools to build more classrooms, equipped with cleaning and hygiene facilities, and on-site housing for teachers to improve overall attendance. Education and sanitation are crucial and should be accessible to all.
In this season of giving, we want to give thanks to everyone who has made and continues to make an impact on the lives of those in need. Your generous donations enable people around the world to live happier, healthier lives. We wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season.
Stay tuned for more news from us in 2022.